Breathe for Truth
The master holds the disciple's head underwater and keeps on holding. The bubbles become fewer, but at the last moment the master pulls out the disciple and revives him:
"Come back to me when you crave truth as much as you crave air."
(source: Psychology Today 10 Zen Jokes)
I stepped on the soil where my childhood memories flourished with joy. I am in Europe, the Balkans to be exact. I hear and understand the language but somehow feel out of tune. I don't know how to explain it. Perhaps parallel reality is playing tricks on my mind. My roots may be here but my heart still beats in and for China. I ache as I hear about lockdowns. Walking freely on the streets makes the lockdown experiences of this year even more meaningless. I don't know how to explain it. My lungs will explode as I try to gasp for Truth.
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In martial arts, the Master and the disciple have a special bond. In China, The Master is called Shifu (Teacher-Father), who selects a disciple based on character and endurance through training. Usually, the testing period meant that the disciple needed to do the same practice (for example, a standing stance) for a few months or a few years before they earned the right to receive more knowledge. Many disciples would give up, and eventually, the lineage would have no heirs.
Article published in Agenda Magazine, 2011
It took me 24 years and eight teachers to understand these principles. Whenever I trained with a teacher who would attempt to put my head under water and use force to make me understand the Truth, I would rebel and leave. Sometimes I wished I was more obedient and timid. Eventually, I found out I was able to explore the practice only if I worked with a coach or a therapist at the same time and finally, reading the book Towards the Psychology of Awakening by John Welwood, I understood two different approaches:
Eastern spiritual practices aim to go beyond the self and the trappings of the mind. This practice requires stillness, disengaging from thinking and moving through the illusions of emotional states
Western practices (I refer to them here as coaching and therapy) would aim to transform the self into a healthy Adult (the Self) by understanding the suffering of the mind. Through resilience, the practitioner gains confidence, eventually opening the door of spirituality.
Coaching inquiry:
What and who brings ease to your breath right now?
Who and what is holding your head under the water?
What is the Truth you are holding on to?
Who are your Masters?
May you raise your head and breathe with ease wherever you are.
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