In this first gathering we will explore this idea of self and see if we can glimpse it’s elusive and illusive nature. It eludes us because it’s so hard to see our self; it is an illusion, defined simply as: “a thing that is or is likely to be wrongly perceived by the senses.” Some systems of thought go further and assert that self is an illusion and does not really exist. Self, as a word is used as a noun, pronoun, adjective and verb.
Delivered by Dr Theo Cope
Theo A. Cope holds his MA and Ph.D. in Psychology and a B.A. in Gerontology. He is a certified Family Consultant and a Positive Psychotherapist (PPT), with certification granted by the World Association of Positive Psychotherapy in Wiesbaden, Germany. PPT is a trans-cultural therapeutic method, which began in 1968 by Dr. Nossrat Peseschkian.
In Oct. 2014, Theo began working for International SOS medical group (now Raffles Medical) in Beijing as a Psychologist and Psychotherapist, after collaborating with ISOS in Dalian for many years. He has lived and taught in different regions of China for the past 18 years and written on various themes of psychology and philosophy. He is the author of two books in the field of psychology. He practices mindfulness meditation regularly, uses mindfulness skills professionally and has integrated mindfulness into the topics he lectures on. Theo has given lectures and workshops for international companies in China as well as at international conferences.