


Mindfulness and Coaching in Organisations


As society moves forward and out of the pandemic, so does the business culture. Each day people face various challenges in the workplace that can further shape their overall professional experience. Some leave a greater mark on the employees, and others do not.

However, navigating through those more challenging post-COVID-19 times requires highly skilled leadership. It not only disrupted the workplace, but it paved the way for a lot of organisations to enter a new era of managing stress and mindfulness in the workplace.


This resulted in high-performing professionals to start using meditation, as they are aware of how important it is to boost morale and motivation while working. Today, we are digging deep to uncover the necessary tools to help any organisation create a thriving environment – the pillar of the 21st-century healthy organisational approach!

First things first – try to understand the pandemic’s impact on the entire workforce.

There is a certain level of uncertainty that washed over employees as soon as the end of the pandemic was close. Feelings of depression, burnout, and fluctuations in creativity and productivity started taking their toll on everyone. This is the reason why many leadership programs started shifting their focus toward improving work performance through mindfulness, creating an authentic way to get there.

A little bit about mindfulness

Mindfulness is practising how to be fully present in the moment. It is the act of becoming aware of all the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that rush through the body. When applied in a professional setting, many leaders have realised it positively affects how an individual thinks and makes decisions. Promoting a little bit of it into the everyday cycle of the working environment can contribute to much better results. Some of these include:

  • An outlet for all those who wish to tackle stress and anxiety in the workplace.

  • Increased motivation and performance as a result of a greater sense of self-awareness in the office.

  • Creating an overall supportive environment leads to individuals appreciating the leadership more and relying on the company to “weather the storm” together.


Building strength through leadership – authenticity in approach

So far, everything that we have said about mindfulness and improved performance in the working place has been straightforward. But here is where things get interesting. An organisation that wants to pursue authentic strategic plans to develop a stress management strategy, especially due to COVID-19, can do this through one particular channel.

That channel is coaching.

Think about the collaboration of mindfulness specialists and executive coaching. Together, they can create a unique approach that addresses all those challenges synergistically. If you are a part of the leadership in an organisation, consider incorporating some mindfulness and coaching models that can elevate the benefits that come with a relaxed body and a relaxed mind.

Take the initiative and enjoy some of the following results:

  • You get to train and educate your peers and employees on the importance of personal and professional growth.

  • Reaping the benefits of mindfulness workshops comes in the form of improved results in the office.

  • As a leader, you realise that coaching is a two-way street that benefits you too.

Someone once said that change is the only constant thing, ever. Grasp the opportunity to create a change – achieve a leadership level that always strives to make a difference towards a healthier and thriving environment. 

Are you interested to start your mindfulness practice but don't have time? Reach out for our I Practice online support to access series of informal practices. It takes just 2-3 minutes to shift your state to mindful presence. Let us know how it goes!


Looking to reach out to a directory of mindfulness-based coaches? Or do you want to take the extra step and become a mindfulness-based ICF-certified coach yourself? Scan the QR code to find out more! 


About Beijing Mindfulness Center


Beijing Mindfulness Centre began with activities in 2015 with a mission to bring mindfulness-based programs to individuals, families, organisations and communities for mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In 2022 BMC evolved into BMC Academy with an expanded mission of educating community leaders to apply mindfullness-based trauma-informed coaching for creating safe spaces for aware, authentic and compassionate human interactions. 

BMC signature programs: Mindful Self-Compassion, Self-Care Reset and Coaching in Nature, I Practice [100 Days of Practice] + individual coaching sessions to support the community

BMC Academy signature programs: Coaching from Within [Cultivating Mindfulness Practice - ICF accredited program], Mindful Circles and 100 Days of Practice for Community Building


BMC coaches present on the first Beijing Wellness Festival on 3rd June

Dalida Turkovic