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Math 'Can Do' Attitude
7:30 PM19:30

Math 'Can Do' Attitude

How to help your teenager in maths – without having to be an expert at maths

Free webinar

Difficulties in maths are often more a consequence of negative emotions from repeated defeating experiences, than real cognitive difficulties.  

This webinar is for parents who want to work beside their teenager, helping them to think about and use resilient learning ideas when facing difficulties in mathematics. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to help your teenager to develop a culture of ‘can do’ in mathematics, respond to their defeating emotional states and learn how to coach them towards an understanding of the mathematical ideas involved without having to be yourself an expert at maths.

You may as well use this opportunity to heal your own deep seated antipathy to mathematics if yourself had a difficult experience with maths in your studies. 

Contact (WeChat) JuliaFeste to register

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